@Article{info:doi/10.2196/50329, author="Valkonen, Paula and Kujala, Sari and Savolainen, Kaisa and Helminen, Riina-Riitta", title="Exploring Older Adults' Needs for a Healthy Life and eHealth: Qualitative Interview Study", journal="JMIR Hum Factors", year="2025", month="Jan", day="8", volume="12", pages="e50329", keywords="older adults; eHealth; needs; retirement; well-being; cultural probes; sentence completion; human-computer interaction", abstract="Background: Aging brings physical and life changes that could benefit from eHealth services. eHealth holistically combines technology, tasks, individuals, and contexts, and all these intertwined elements should be considered in eHealth development. As users' needs change with life situations, including aging and retirement, it is important to identify these needs at different life stages to develop eHealth services for well-being and active, healthy lives. Objective: This study aimed to (1) understand older adults' everyday lives in terms of well-being and health, (2) investigate older adults' needs for eHealth services, and (3) create design recommendations based on the findings. Methods: A total of 20 older adults from 2 age groups (55 to 74 years: n=12, 60{\%}; >75 years: n=8, 40{\%}) participated in this qualitative interview study. The data were collected remotely using a cultural probes package that included diary-based tasks, sentence completion tasks, and 4 background questionnaires; we also performed remote, semistructured interviews. The data were gathered between the fall of 2020 and the spring of 2021 in Finland as a part of the Toward a Socially Inclusive Digital Society: Transforming Service Culture (DigiIN) project (2019 to 2025). Results: In the daily lives of older adults, home-based activities, such as exercising (72/622, 11.6{\%} of mentions), sleeping (51/622, 8.2{\%} of mentions), and dining and cooking (96/622, 15.4{\%} of mentions), promoted well-being and health. When discussing their needs for eHealth services, participants highlighted a preference for a chat function. However, they frequently mentioned barriers and concerns such as the lack of human contact, inefficiency, and difficulties using eHealth systems. Older adults value flexibility; testing possibilities (eg, trial versions); support for digital services; and relevant, empathetically offered content with eHealth services on short-term and long-term bases in their changing life situations. Conclusions: Many older adults value healthy routines and time spent at home. The diversity of older adults' needs should be considered by making it possible for them to manage their health safely and flexibly on different devices and channels. eHealth services should adapt to older adults' life changes through motivation, personalized content, and appropriate functions. Importantly, older adults should still have the option to not use eHealth services. ", issn="2292-9495", doi="10.2196/50329", url="https://humanfactors.jmir.org/2025/1/e50329", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/50329" }