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Published on 17.05.18 in Vol 5, No 2 (2018): Apr-Jun

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Works citing "Development of a Just-in-Time Adaptive mHealth Intervention for Insomnia: Usability Study"

According to Crossref, the following articles are citing this article (DOI 10.2196/humanfactors.8905):

(note that this is only a small subset of citations)

  1. Pulantara IW, Parmanto B, Germain A. Clinical Feasibility of a Just-in-Time Adaptive Intervention App (iREST) as a Behavioral Sleep Treatment in a Military Population: Feasibility Comparative Effectiveness Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2018;20(12):e10124
  2. Rodenburg FJ, Sawada Y, Hayashi N. Improving RNN Performance by Modelling Informative Missingness with Combined Indicators. Applied Sciences 2019;9(8):1623
  3. Germain A, Markwald RR, King E, Bramoweth AD, Wolfson M, Seda G, Han T, Miggantz E, O’Reilly B, Hungerford L, Sitzer T, Mysliwiec V, Hout JJ, Wallace ML. Enhancing behavioral sleep care with digital technology: study protocol for a hybrid type 3 implementation-effectiveness randomized trial. Trials 2021;22(1)
  4. Aji M, Gordon C, Stratton E, Calvo RA, Bartlett D, Grunstein R, Glozier N. Framework for the Design Engineering and Clinical Implementation and Evaluation of mHealth Apps for Sleep Disturbance: Systematic Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2021;23(2):e24607
  5. Ravuri V, Paromita P, Mundnich K, Nadarajan A, Booth BM, Narayanan SS, Chaspari T. Investigating Group-Specific Models of Hospital Workers’ Well-Being: Implications for Algorithmic Bias. International Journal of Semantic Computing 2020;14(04):477
  6. Glazer Baron K, Culnan E, Duffecy J, Berendson M, Cheung Mason I, Lattie E, Manalo N. How are Consumer Sleep Technology Data Being Used to Deliver Behavioral Sleep Medicine Interventions? A Systematic Review. Behavioral Sleep Medicine 2022;20(2):173
  7. Abo-Tabik M, Benn Y, Costen N. Are Machine Learning Methods the Future for Smoking Cessation Apps?. Sensors 2021;21(13):4254
  8. Takeuchi H, Suwa K, Kishi A, Nakamura T, Yoshiuchi K, Yamamoto Y. The Effects of Objective Push-Type Sleep Feedback on Habitual Sleep Behavior and Momentary Symptoms in Daily Life: mHealth Intervention Trial Using a Health Care Internet of Things System. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2022;10(10):e39150
  9. Montenegro TS, Ali R, Arle JE. Closed-Loop Systems in Neuromodulation. Neurosurgery Clinics of North America 2022;33(3):297
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  11. Slavish DC, Briggs M, Fentem A, Messman BA, Contractor AA. Bidirectional associations between daily PTSD symptoms and sleep disturbances: A systematic review. Sleep Medicine Reviews 2022;63:101623
  12. . Context-Aware Sleep Health Recommender Systems (CASHRS): A Narrative Review. Electronics 2022;11(20):3384
  13. Tobin SY, Williams PG, Baron KG, Halliday TM, Depner CM. Challenges and Opportunities for Applying Wearable Technology to Sleep. Sleep Medicine Clinics 2021;16(4):607
  14. Zerlik M, Jung I, Sehr T, Hennings F, Kamann C, Brandt MD, Sedlmayr M, Sedlmayr B. A pragmatic methodical framework for the user-centred development of an electronic process support for the sleep laboratory patients’ management. DIGITAL HEALTH 2022;8:205520762211344
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According to Crossref, the following books are citing this article (DOI 10.2196/humanfactors.8905):

  1. . Adapting Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia. 2022. :135