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Telementoring studies found technical challenges in achieving accurate and stable annotations during live surgery using commercially available telestration software intraoperatively. To address the gap, a wireless handheld telestration device was developed to facilitate dynamic user interaction with live video streams.
Reductions in opioid prescribing by health care providers can lead to a decreased risk of opioid dependence in patients. Peer comparison has been demonstrated to impact providers’ prescribing habits, though its effect on opioid prescribing has predominantly been studied in the emergency department setting.
Data dashboards are published tools that present visualizations; they are increasingly used to display data about behavioral health, social determinants of health, and chronic and infectious disease risks to inform or support public health endeavors. Dashboards can be an evidence-based approach used by communities to influence decision-making in health care for specific populations. Despite widespread use, evidence on how to best design and use dashboards in the public health realm is limited. There is also a notable dearth of studies that examine and document the complexity and heterogeneity of dashboards in community settings.
Integrating health information into university information systems holds significant potential for enhancing student support and well-being. Despite the growing body of research highlighting issues faced by university students, including stress, depression, and disability, little has been done in the informatics field to incorporate health technologies at the institutional level.
Stroke may lead to various disabilities, and a structured follow-up visit is strongly recommended within a few months after an event. To facilitate this visit, the digital previsit tool “Strokehealth” was developed for patients to fill out in advance. The concept Strokehälsa (or Strokehealth) was initially developed in-house as a Windows application, later incorporated in
To enable personalized treatment and shared decision-making in chronic care, relevant health information is collected. However, health information is often fragmented across hospital information systems, digital health apps, and questionnaire portals. This also pertains to hemophilia care, in which scattered information hampers integrated care. We intend to co-design a nationwide digital personal health record (PHR) for patients to help manage their health information. For this, user perspectives are crucial.
Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) reflects an individual's perception of their physical and mental health over time. Despite numerous studies linking physical activity to improved HRQoL, most rely on self-reported data, limiting the accuracy and generalizability of findings. This study leverages objective accelerometer data to explore the association between physical activity and HRQoL in Korean adults.
Currently, the treatment and care of patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI) is an intractable health problem worldwide and greatly increases the medical burden in society. However, machine learning-based algorithms and the use of a large amount of data accumulated in the clinic in the past can predict the hospitalization time of brain injury patients in advance, so as to design a reasonable arrangement of resources and effectively reduce the medical burden of society. Especially in China, where medical resources are so tight, this method has important application value.
Artificial intelligence (AI) use cases in health care are on the rise, with the potential to improve operational efficiency and care outcomes. However, the translation of AI into practical, everyday use has been limited, as its effectiveness relies on successful implementation and adoption by clinicians, patients, and other health care stakeholders.