Published on in Vol 2, No 2 (2015): Jul-Dec

Development and Acceptability of a Co-Produced Online Intervention to Prevent Alcohol Misuse in Adolescents: A Think Aloud Study

Development and Acceptability of a Co-Produced Online Intervention to Prevent Alcohol Misuse in Adolescents: A Think Aloud Study

Development and Acceptability of a Co-Produced Online Intervention to Prevent Alcohol Misuse in Adolescents: A Think Aloud Study


  1. Davies E, Law C, Hennelly S, Winstock A. Acceptability of targeting social embarrassment in a digital intervention to reduce student alcohol consumption: A qualitative think aloud study. DIGITAL HEALTH 2017;3 View
  2. Taylor S, Allsop M, Bennett M, Bewick B. Usability testing of an electronic pain monitoring system for palliative cancer patients: A think-aloud study. Health Informatics Journal 2019;25(3):1133 View
  3. Muir C, Adams E, Evans V, Geijer-Simpson E, Kaner E, Phillips S, Salonen D, Smart D, Winstone L, McGovern R. A Systematic Review of Qualitative Studies Exploring Lived Experiences, Perceived Impact, and Coping Strategies of Children and Young People Whose Parents Use Substances. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse 2023;24(5):3629 View
  4. Todd J, van Lettow B. A closer look at prototypes: similarity, favourability, and the prototype willingness model. A response to the commentary of Gibbons and Gerrard. Health Psychology Review 2016;10(1):47 View
  5. Davies E. Similarity to prototypical heavy drinkers and non-drinkers predicts AUDIT-C and risky drinking in young adults: prospective study. Psychology & Health 2019;34(4):403 View
  6. Davies E, Matley F. Teachers and pupils under pressure: UK teachers’ views on the content and format of personal, social, health and economic education. Pastoral Care in Education 2020;38(1):4 View
  7. Loverock A, Yakovenko I, Wild T. Interest in online supports and brief self-help interventions among cannabis using Canadian university students. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy 2021;28(6):578 View
  8. Maity A, Wang A, Dreier M, Wallace V, Orchard F, Schleider J, Loades M, Hamilton J. How do adolescents experience a newly developed Online Single Session Sleep Intervention? A Think-Aloud Study. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry 2024;29(3):1137 View
  9. Garvin L, Richardson E, Heyworth L, McInnes D. Veterans Affairs Explores Contactless Vital Signs Collection in Video Telehealth Visits: Usability Pilot among Providers and Patients (Preprint). JMIR Formative Research 2024 View
  10. Davies E. Feasibility of the Prototype Willingness Model as the basis for school-delivered alcohol misuse prevention: A qualitative think-aloud study to explore acceptability of ‘The Alcohol Smart Quiz’ with adolescents and teachers. Journal of Health Psychology 2018;23(9):1196 View

Books/Policy Documents

  1. Davies E, Todd J. The Palgrave Handbook of Psychological Perspectives on Alcohol Consumption. View