Published on in Vol 3, No 2 (2016): Jul-Dec

Medication Management: The Macrocognitive Workflow of Older Adults With Heart Failure

Medication Management: The Macrocognitive Workflow of Older Adults With Heart Failure

Medication Management: The Macrocognitive Workflow of Older Adults With Heart Failure


  1. Yin K, Harms T, Ho K, Rapport F, Vagholkar S, Laranjo L, Coiera E, Gershuny J, Lau A. Patient work from a context and time use perspective: a mixed-methods study protocol. BMJ Open 2018;8(12):e022163 View
  2. Holden R, Daley C, Mickelson R, Bolchini D, Toscos T, Cornet V, Miller A, Mirro M. Patient decision-making personas: An application of a patient-centered cognitive task analysis (P-CTA). Applied Ergonomics 2020;87:103107 View
  3. Mickelson R, Holden R. Medication management strategies used by older adults with heart failure: A systems-based analysis. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 2018;17(5):418 View
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  5. Daley C, Al-Abdulmunem M, Holden R. Knowledge among patients with heart failure: A narrative synthesis of qualitative research. Heart & Lung 2019;48(6):477 View
  6. Cornet V, Voida S, Holden R. Activity Theory Analysis of Heart Failure Self-Care. Mind, Culture, and Activity 2018;25(1):22 View
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  9. Holden R, Cornet V, Valdez R. Patient ergonomics: 10-year mapping review of patient-centered human factors. Applied Ergonomics 2020;82:102972 View
  10. Holden R, Srinivas P, Campbell N, Clark D, Bodke K, Hong Y, Boustani M, Ferguson D, Callahan C. Understanding older adults' medication decision making and behavior: A study on over-the-counter (OTC) anticholinergic medications. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy 2019;15(1):53 View
  11. Taylor J, Hartzler A, Osterhage K, Demiris G, Turner A. Monitoring for change: the role of family and friends in helping older adults manage personal health information. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2018;25(8):989 View
  12. Rohani Ghahari R, Holden R, Flanagan M, Wagner S, Martin E, Ahmed R, Daley C, Tambe R, Chen E, Allmandinger T, Mirro M, Toscos T. Using cardiac implantable electronic device data to facilitate health decision making: A design study. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 2018;64:143 View
  13. Srinivas P, Cornet V, Holden R. Human Factors Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of Engage, a Consumer Health IT Application for Geriatric Heart Failure Self-Care. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 2017;33(4):298 View
  14. Heiden S, Holden R, Alder C, Bodke K, Boustani M. Human factors in mental healthcare: A work system analysis of a community-based program for older adults with depression and dementia. Applied Ergonomics 2017;64:27 View
  15. Keller S, Cosgrove S, Arbaje A, Chang R, Krosche A, Williams D, Gurses A. Roles and Role Ambiguity in Patient- and Caregiver-Performed Outpatient Parenteral Antimicrobial Therapy. The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety 2019;45(11):763 View
  16. Yin K, Jung J, Coiera E, Laranjo L, Blandford A, Khoja A, Tai W, Phillips D, Lau A. Patient Work and Their Contexts: Scoping Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2020;22(6):e16656 View
  17. Mickelson R, Holden R. Capturing the Medication Management Work System of Older Adults Using a Digital Diary Method. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 2017;61(1):555 View
  18. Cousin L, Buck H, Benitez B, Mills P, Redwine L. A Structural Equation Model of Gratitude, Self-efficacy, and Medication Adherence in Patients With Stage B Heart Failure. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 2020;35(6):E18 View
  19. Holden R, Abebe E, Russ-Jara A, Chui M. Human factors and ergonomics methods for pharmacy research and clinical practice. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy 2021;17(12):2019 View
  20. Holden R, Carayon P. SEIPS 101 and seven simple SEIPS tools. BMJ Quality & Safety 2021;30(11):901 View
  21. Cadel L, Cimino S, Rolf von den Baumen T, James K, McCarthy L, Guilcher S. Medication Management Frameworks in the Context of Self-Management: A Scoping Review. Patient Preference and Adherence 2021;Volume 15:1311 View
  22. Glass J, Matson T, Lim C, Hartzler A, Kimbel K, Lee A, Beatty T, Parrish R, Caldeiro R, Garza McWethy A, Curran G, Bradley K. Approaches for Implementing App-Based Digital Treatments for Drug Use Disorders Into Primary Care: A Qualitative, User-Centered Design Study of Patient Perspectives. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2021;23(7):e25866 View
  23. Qama E, Rubinelli S, Diviani N. Factors influencing the integration of self-management in daily life routines in chronic conditions: a scoping review of qualitative evidence. BMJ Open 2022;12(12):e066647 View
  24. Sharara S, Arbaje A, Cosgrove S, Gurses A, Dzintars K, Ladikos N, Qasba S, Keller S. The Voice of the Patient: Patient Roles in Antibiotic Management at the Hospital-to-Home Transition. Journal of Patient Safety 2022;18(3):e633 View
  25. Gentizon J, Fleury M, Pilet E, Büla C, Mabire C. Conceptualization and content validation of the MEDication literacy assessment of geriatric patients and informal caregivers (MED-fLAG). Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes 2022;6(1) View
  26. Hill J, Min E, Abebe E, Holden R, Heyn P. Telecaregiving for Dementia: A Mapping Review of Technological and Nontechnological Interventions. The Gerontologist 2024;64(1) View
  27. Mumma J, Weaver B, Morgan J, Ghassemian G, Gannon P, Burke K, Berryhill B, MacKay R, Lee L, Kraft C. Connecting pathogen transmission and healthcare worker cognition: a cognitive task analysis of infection prevention and control practices during simulated patient care. BMJ Quality & Safety 2024;33(7):419 View
  28. Buck H, Howland C, Stawnychy M, Aldossary H, Cortés Y, DeBerg J, Durante A, Graven L, Irani E, Jaboob S, Massouh A, Oberfrank N, Saylor M, Wion R, Bidwell J. Caregivers' Contributions to Heart Failure Self-care. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 2024;39(3):266 View
  29. Waterson P, Wooldridge A, Sesto M, Gurses A, Holden R, Werner N, Fray M, Carman E, Waterson P. Improving Care Transitions in Healthcare: A Human Factors/Ergonomics (HFE) Approach. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 2018;62(1):551 View
  30. Holden R, Joshi P, Rao K, Varrier A, Daley C, Bolchini D, Blackburn J, Toscos T, Wagner S, Martin E, Miller A, Mirro M. Modeling Personas for Older Adults with Heart Failure. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 2018;62(1):1072 View
  31. Daley C, Bolchini D, Varrier A, Rao K, Joshi P, Blackburn J, Toscos T, Mirro M, Wagner S, Martin E, Miller A, Holden R. Naturalistic Decision Making by Older Adults with Chronic Heart Failure: An Exploratory Study Using the Critical Incident Technique. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 2018;62(1):568 View
  32. Holden R, Abebe E. Medication transitions: Vulnerable periods of change in need of human factors and ergonomics. Applied Ergonomics 2021;90:103279 View

Books/Policy Documents

  1. Cornet V, Daley C, Cavalcanti L, Parulekar A, Holden R. Design for Health. View
  2. Ponnala S, Valdez R, McGuire K, Valdez J. Comprehensive Healthcare Simulation: Improving Healthcare Systems. View
  3. Holden R, Abebe E, Russ-Jara A, Chui M. Contemporary Research Methods in Pharmacy and Health Services. View