Published on in Vol 11 (2024)

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Digital Adherence Technologies and Differentiated Care for Tuberculosis Treatment and Their Acceptability Among Persons With Tuberculosis, Health Care Workers, and Key Informants in the Philippines: Qualitative Interview Study

Digital Adherence Technologies and Differentiated Care for Tuberculosis Treatment and Their Acceptability Among Persons With Tuberculosis, Health Care Workers, and Key Informants in the Philippines: Qualitative Interview Study

Digital Adherence Technologies and Differentiated Care for Tuberculosis Treatment and Their Acceptability Among Persons With Tuberculosis, Health Care Workers, and Key Informants in the Philippines: Qualitative Interview Study

Chung Lam Leung   1 , BSSc, MA ;   Jason Alacapa   2 , BSc, MBA, MHM, MPH ;   Bianca Gonçalves Tasca   1 , MSc, MPH ;   Andre Daniel Villanueva   2 , MD ;   Saniata Masulit   2 , MA ;   Marvin Louie Ignacio   2 , MOH ;   Kathleen Nicole Uy   2 , RN ;   Christopher Pell   1 , PhD ;   Kristian van Kalmthout   1 , MSc ;   Rachel Powers   1 , BA, MSc ;   Katherine Fielding   3 , BSc, MSc, PhD ;   Degu Jerene   1 , MD, PhD

1 KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation, Den Haag, Netherlands

2 KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation Philippines, Metro Manila, Philippines

3 TB Centre and Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom

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