Published on in Vol 11 (2024)

Preprints (earlier versions) of this paper are available at, first published .
Co-Designing a Smoking Cessation Chatbot: Focus Group Study of End Users and Smoking Cessation Professionals

Co-Designing a Smoking Cessation Chatbot: Focus Group Study of End Users and Smoking Cessation Professionals

Co-Designing a Smoking Cessation Chatbot: Focus Group Study of End Users and Smoking Cessation Professionals


  1. Lachance A, Da S, Yameogo A, Plaisimond J, Naye F, Yousefi F, Bergeron F, Sasseville M, Gagnon M. Interactive Conversational Agents for Cigarette-Smoking and Vaping Cessation: A Mixed-Methods Systematic Review. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction 2024;8(11):101 View