Research Letter
The study explored older adults' perceptions after participating in an online survey about medication decisions, finding that approximately 80% of participants provided positive feedback about the research methodology and their experience.
JMIR Hum Factors 2025;12:e65684doi:10.2196/65684
Older adults are underrepresented in research, often due to age-related biases and stringent exclusion criteria; this limits generalizability and leaves knowledge gaps [
].The increasing prevalence of online research has the potential to increase older adult participation, given the rising internet use among this demographic [
]. While research has primarily focused on improving recruitment of older adults, an understanding of their experiences of online research is needed to effectively engage older people [ ]. While most surveys include some form of piloting, they rarely capture or share participants’ perceptions of the research process. We sought to explore older adults’ perceptions after participating in an online experimental survey, given the potential high accessibility of this type of research.Methods
We previously reported the main findings from a vignette-based online experiment conducted among adults aged 65 years and older from Australia, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and the United States [
]. Participants were recruited for this 15-minute survey through a panel of internet users administered by Qualtrics Research Panels. The study focused on contextual factors influencing how older adults (mean age 71.5, SD 5.1 years) think about deciding to stop a cardiovascular disease medication. In this study, we conducted a content analysis of free-text comments ( ). The final analysis framework included 17 codes that were subsequently consolidated into 14 themes. Descriptive statistics were used to assess the frequency of each theme.- A vignette-based online experiment was conducted among adults aged 65 years and older from Australia, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and the United States using sampling quotas to ensure balanced representation by country and gender. This study was registered at (NCT04676282). At the end of the survey, participants were provided the opportunity to leave “any comments about this study.”
- A content analysis was conducted among participants who received the vignette about a hypothetical patient, Mrs EF. Participants from the Netherlands were excluded, as the study team for the content analysis was not fluent in Dutch.
- Study authors read through the comments to inductively generate codes.
- Two investigators (SEV and YM) independently coded comments, resulting in >80% agreement.
- All discrepancies in codes were discussed until consensus was reached.
Ethical Considerations
The online experiment was registered at (NCT04676282) and was deemed exempt by the University of Michigan Health Sciences and Behavioral Sciences Institutional Review Board (HUM00183129); by extension, a waiver of consent was granted. All data were collected anonymously. Participants were compensated based on the terms of their panel agreement.
Participants (N=1789) most frequently did not provide any feedback in the free-text comment field (n=784, 43.8%) or wrote that they had no comments (n=487, 27.2%). Three participants (0.2%) gave unclear statements.
Participants’ comments (n=515, 28.8%) were primarily positive (415/515, 80.6%), such as that the study was interesting (116/515, 22.5%). Themes and representative quotes are reported in
. Participants said it made them think about their health (80/515, 15.5%) and some participants shared further health information about the study topic (48/515, 9.3%). Participants provided feedback on how to improve the study, categorized as question-specific comments (21/515, 4.1%), general suggestions (12/515, 2.3%), or country-specific comments (3/515, 0.6%). Few participants (16/515, 3.1%) provided negative feedback about the survey.Themes | Representative quotes (participant code) | Participants, n (%) | ||||
Positive feedback (n=415, 80.6%) | ||||||
Interesting |
| 116 (22.5) | ||||
Thought provoking |
| 80 (15.5) | ||||
Positive feedback |
| 67 (13) | ||||
Thanks for opportunity to participate |
| 43 (8.3) | ||||
Positive feedback about survey questions or structure |
| 35 (6.8) | ||||
Enjoyed taking survey |
| 34 (6.6) | ||||
Unusual study design |
| 19 (3.7) | ||||
Interested in results |
| 15 (2.9) | ||||
Interested in future studies |
| 6 (1.2) | ||||
Neutral feedback (n=48, 9.3%) | ||||||
Shared personal experience |
| 48 (9.3) | ||||
Negative feedback or suggestions for improvement (n=52, 10.1%) | ||||||
Question-specific feedback |
| 21 (4.1) | ||||
Negative feedback |
| 16 (3.1) | ||||
General suggestions for improvement |
| 12 (2.3) | ||||
Country-specific feedback |
| 3 (0.6) |
Among older adults who provided feedback about their experiences completing an online survey, approximately 80% (415/515) of the comments were positive. Our findings signal general acceptability of the methodology, and we have implemented the practical feedback to improve our online surveys. We have become more mindful of the survey length, selected straightforward question types, and have conducted pilot testing in all target countries to ensure that questions are appropriate for all participants.
Our study had several limitations. First, less than one-third of the study participants provided any comments. Second, participants were asked if they had any comments, as opposed to more specific questions about their experience taking the survey. Finally, we acknowledge that we coded a single primary theme per comment given the short statements that were provided.
With an aging population who may spend many years in retirement, participating in research can offer benefits such as reducing social isolation and loneliness, fostering a sense of purpose, and providing mental stimulation, and it may provide monetary incentives [
]. While our online study lacked the social benefit of in-person interaction typical of traditional research, participants reported enjoying the survey; they found it prompted self-reflection on their health, and they expressed interest in the study’s outcomes and future research.Online research is becoming more prevalent; therefore, it is important to make sure this methodology is inclusive of older adults [
]. More than half of adults older than 65 years use the internet, yet they are the least likely to have a home computer [ ]. While some researchers attribute this limited use to age-related functional decline, others argue that the main barriers are negative attitudes such as fear, anxiety, and low motivation—barriers that are modifiable. Anxiety about using the internet and digital technologies often leads to self-imposed limitations and low confidence, with older adults frequently underestimating their knowledge and abilities compared to younger users [ ]. This underscores the importance of studies like ours that highlight the positive experiences of older adults in online research.Acknowledgments
This study was funded by award R24AG064025 from the US Deprescribing Research Network via the Northern California Institute for Research and Education through the National Institute on Aging; a Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship (KRW), the Swiss National Science Foundation Scientific Exchanges (grant IZSEZ0_213475/1; KRW), and an Emerging Leader Research Fellowship (2017295) from the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (KRW). The funders had no role in the design or conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis, or interpretation of the data; preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript; or the decision to submit the manuscript for publication. KRW and SEV had full access to all of the data in the study and take responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis.
Authors' Contributions
Concept and design: KRW, SEV
Acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data: all authors
Drafting of the manuscript: all authors
Critical review of the manuscript for important intellectual content: all authors
Statistical analysis: SEV
Obtained funding: SEV
Administrative, technical, or material support: KRW
Supervision: KRW, SEV
Conflicts of Interest
KRW reports receiving grant funding from the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), the National Health and Medical Research Council, and the Swiss Confederation during the conduct of the study. SEV reports receiving grant funding from the US Deprescribing Research Network during the conduct of the study.
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Edited by A Kushniruk, E Borycki; submitted 22.08.24; peer-reviewed by J Rodger, S Serhal, A Vassallo; comments to author 19.12.24; revised version received 19.12.24; accepted 20.12.24; published 08.01.25.
Copyright©Kristie Rebecca Weir, Yehya Maitah, Sarah E Vordenberg. Originally published in JMIR Human Factors (, 08.01.2025.
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