Published on in Vol 9, No 1 (2022): Jan-Mar

Preprints (earlier versions) of this paper are available at, first published .
Mobile Health to Support Community-Integration of Individuals With Disabilities Using iMHere 2.0: Focus Group Study

Mobile Health to Support Community-Integration of Individuals With Disabilities Using iMHere 2.0: Focus Group Study

Mobile Health to Support Community-Integration of Individuals With Disabilities Using iMHere 2.0: Focus Group Study

Rebecca E Ward   1 , MD ;   I Made Agus Setiawan   2, 3 , MSc ;   Eleanor Quinby   1, 4 , BS ;   Melva Fair   5 , MS ;   Zara Ambadar   1, 2 , PhD ;   Bambang Parmanto   2 , PhD ;   Brad E Dicianno   1, 4 , MD

1 Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, School of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

2 Department of Health Information Management, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

3 Department of Computer Science, Udayana University, Badung, Bali, Indonesia

4 Human Engineering Research Laboratories, Veterans Affairs Pittsburgh Healthcare System, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

5 Community Living and Support Services, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Corresponding Author:

  • Brad E Dicianno, MD
  • Human Engineering Research Laboratories
  • Veterans Affairs Pittsburgh Healthcare System
  • VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System
  • 6425 Penn AVE, Suite 400
  • Pittsburgh, PA, 15206-4022
  • United States
  • Phone: 1 412-822-3700
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