Published on in Vol 9, No 2 (2022): Apr-Jun

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Usability of the Swedish Accessible Electronic Health Record: Qualitative Survey Study

Usability of the Swedish Accessible Electronic Health Record: Qualitative Survey Study

Usability of the Swedish Accessible Electronic Health Record: Qualitative Survey Study

Authors of this article:

Maria Hägglund1 Author Orcid Image ;   Isabella Scandurra2 Author Orcid Image


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  2. Simola S, Hörhammer I, Xu Y, Bärkås A, Fagerlund A, Hagström J, Holmroos M, Hägglund M, Johansen M, Kane B, Kharko A, Scandurra I, Kujala S. Patients’ Experiences of a National Patient Portal and Its Usability: Cross-Sectional Survey Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2023;25:e45974 View
  3. Kujala S, Simola S, Wang B, Soone H, Hagström J, Bärkås A, Hörhammer I, Cajander Å, Johansen Fagerlund A, Kane B, Kharko A, Kristiansen E, Moll J, Rexphepi H, Hägglund M, Johansen M. Benchmarking usability of patient portals in Estonia, Finland, Norway, and Sweden. International Journal of Medical Informatics 2024;181:105302 View
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  5. Fagerlund A, Bärkås A, Kharko A, Blease C, Hagström J, Huvila I, Hörhammer I, Kane B, Kristiansen E, Kujala S, Moll J, Rexhepi H, Scandurra I, Simola S, Soone H, Wang B, Åhlfeldt R, Hägglund M, Johansen M. Experiences from patients in mental healthcare accessing their electronic health records: results from a cross-national survey in Estonia, Finland, Norway, and Sweden. BMC Psychiatry 2024;24(1) View

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