Published on in Vol 10 (2023)

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Exploring the Cross-cultural Acceptability of Digital Tools for Pain Self-reporting: Qualitative Study

Exploring the Cross-cultural Acceptability of Digital Tools for Pain Self-reporting: Qualitative Study

Exploring the Cross-cultural Acceptability of Digital Tools for Pain Self-reporting: Qualitative Study

Syed Mustafa Ali   1, 2 , MPH, MSc ;   Rebecca R Lee   1 , PhD ;   John McBeth   1 , PhD ;   Ben James   3 , BA ;   Sean McAlister   3 , BA ;   Alessandro Chiarotto   4 , PhD ;   William G Dixon   1 , PhD ;   Sabine N van der Veer   2 , PhD

1 Centre for Epidemiology Versus Arthritis, Division of Musculoskeletal and Dermatological Sciences, Manchester Academic Health Science Centre, The University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom

2 Centre for Health Informatics, Division of Informatics, Imaging and Data Science, Manchester Academic Health Science Centre, The University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom

3 uMotif, London, United Kingdom

4 Department of General Practice, Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, Netherlands

Corresponding Author:

  • Syed Mustafa Ali, MPH, MSc
  • Centre for Epidemiology Versus Arthritis, Division of Musculoskeletal and Dermatological Sciences, Manchester Academic Health Science Centre
  • The University of Manchester
  • Oxford Road
  • Manchester, M13 9PT
  • United Kingdom
  • Phone: 44 161 275 1644
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