Published on in Vol 12 (2025)

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Collecting Real-World Data via an In-Home Smart Medication Dispenser: Longitudinal Observational Study of Survey Panel Persistency, Response Rates, and Psychometric Properties

Collecting Real-World Data via an In-Home Smart Medication Dispenser: Longitudinal Observational Study of Survey Panel Persistency, Response Rates, and Psychometric Properties

Collecting Real-World Data via an In-Home Smart Medication Dispenser: Longitudinal Observational Study of Survey Panel Persistency, Response Rates, and Psychometric Properties

Authors of this article:

Benjamin Ogorek1 Author Orcid Image ;   Thomas Rhoads1 Author Orcid Image ;   Erica Smith2 Author Orcid Image

1Spencer Health Solutions Inc, 2501 Aerial Center Pkwy, Suite 100, Morrisville, NC, United States

2WCG, Princeton, NJ, United States

Corresponding Author:

Benjamin Ogorek, PhD

Background: A smart medication dispenser called “spencer” is a novel generator of longitudinal survey data. The patients dispensing medication act as a survey panel and respond to questions about quality of life and patient-reported outcomes.

Objectives: Our goal was to evaluate panel persistency, survey response rates, reliability, and validity of surveys administered via spencer to 4138 polychronic patients residing in the United States and Canada.

Methods: Patients in a Canadian health care provider’s program were included if they were dispensing via spencer in the June 2021 to February 2024 time frame and consented to have their data used for research. Panel persistency was estimated via discrete survival methods for 2 years and survey response rates were computed for 1 year. Patients were grouped by mean response rates in the 12th month (<90% vs ≥90%) to observe differential response rate trends. For reliability and validity, we used a spencer question about recent falls with ternary responses value-coded −1, 0, and 1. For reliability, we computed Pearson correlation between mean scores over 2 years of survey responses, and transitions between mean score intervals of [0, 0.5), [−0.5, 0.5), and [0.5, 1]. For validity, we measured the association between the falls question and known factors influencing fall risk: age, biological sex, quality of life, physical and emotional health, and use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, using repeated-measures regression for covariates and Kendall τ for concomitant spencer questions.

Results: From 4138 patients, dispenser persistency was 68.3% (95% CI 66.8%‐69.8%) at 1 year and 51% (95% CI 49%‐53%) at 2 years. Within the cohort observed beyond 1 year, 82.3% (1508/1832) kept surveys enabled through the 12th month with a mean response rate of 84.1% (SD 26.4%). The large SD was apparent in the subgroup analysis, where a responder versus nonresponder dichotomy was observed. For 234 patients with ≥5 fall risk responses in each of the first 2 years, the Pearson correlation estimate between yearly mean scores was 0.723 (95% CI 0.630‐0.798). For mean score intervals [0, 0.5), [−0.5, 0.5), and [0.5, 1], self-transitions were the most common, with 59.8% (140/234) of patients starting and staying in [0.5, 1]. Fall risk responses were not significantly associated with sex (P=.66) or age (P=.76) but significantly related to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor or serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor usage, quality of life, depressive symptoms, physical health, disability, and trips to the emergency room (P<.001).

Conclusions: A smart medication dispenser, spencer, generated years of longitudinal survey data from patients in their homes. Panel attrition was low, and patients continued to respond at high rates. A fall risk measure derived from the survey data showed evidence of reliability and validity. An alternative to web-based panels, spencer is a promising tool for generating patient real-world data.

JMIR Hum Factors 2025;12:e60438




The use of patient data collected in real-world settings has never been more impactful. The US Food and Drug Administration’s Real-World Evidence (RWE) Program has elevated real-world data (RWD) as a tool to support new indications for already approved drugs [Framework for FDA’s real‐world evidence program. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. 2018. URL: [Accessed 2025-01-23] 1-Considerations for the use of real-world data and real-world evidence to support regulatory decision-making for drug and biological products. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. 2023. URL: https:/​/www.​​regulatory-information/​search-fda-guidance-documents/​considerations-use-real-world-data-and-real-world-evidence-support-regulatory-decision-making-drug [Accessed 2025-01-23] 3], the European Medicines Agency has published their RWE framework [Real-world evidence framework to support EU regulatory decision-making: report on the experience gained with regulator-led studies from september 2021 to february 2023. European Medicines Agency. 2023. URL: https:/​/www.​​system/​files/​documents/​report/​real-world-evidence-framework-support-eu-regulatory-decision-making-report-experience-gained_en.​pdf [Accessed 2025-01-23] 4], and Canada’s Drug and Health Technology Agency has published their guidance document [Guidance for reporting real-world evidence. Canada's Drug Agency. 2023. URL: [Accessed 2025-01-23] 5].

RWD may take the form of claims records, electronic health records, registries, or patient-generated data, with patient-reported outcomes (PROs) as an important subset. Longitudinal surveys, where patients are surveyed at 2 or more points in time, generate data that allow for the analysis of within-unit change as well as aggregations over time [Lynn P. Methodology of Longitudinal Surveys. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd; 2009. [CrossRef] ISBN: 97804700187126]. This results in greater “causal leverage” than cross-sectional surveys [Hillygus DS, Snell S. Atkeson LR, Alvarez RM, editors. Longitudinal Surveys: Issues and Opportunities. Oxford University Press; 2015. [CrossRef]7] and is ideal for submissions to regulatory bodies.

Web-based panels, or “registered persons who have agreed to take part in online studies on a regular basis,” rose in attractiveness with the proliferation of the web [Göritz AS, Reinhold N, Batinic B. Online panels. In: Online Social Sciences. Hogrefe & Huber Publishers; 2002:27-47.8]. Recently, however, shortcomings of longitudinal studies based on web-based panels have undermined their reputation as a high-quality data source. Panel attrition, where subjects in earlier waves cease to respond in later waves, has become worse since the 1990s [Hillygus DS, Snell S. Atkeson LR, Alvarez RM, editors. Longitudinal Surveys: Issues and Opportunities. Oxford University Press; 2015. [CrossRef]7,Pratap A, Neto EC, Snyder P, et al. Indicators of retention in remote digital health studies: a cross-study evaluation of 100,000 participants. NPJ Digit Med. 2020;3:21. [CrossRef] [Medline]9-Senoo K, Miki T, Ohkura T, et al. A smartphone app to improve oral anticoagulation adherence in patients with atrial fibrillation: prospective observational study. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. Jan 7, 2022;10(1):e30807. [CrossRef] [Medline]11]. While web-based panel data are also prone to quality problems (eg, false answers, careless responses, and multiple panel memberships [Hays RD, Liu H, Kapteyn A. Use of Internet panels to conduct surveys. Behav Res Methods. Sep 2015;47(3):685-690. [CrossRef] [Medline]12]), these problems have been exacerbated by innovations in automation and improvements in large language models, where human reviewers are unable to consistently detect automated responses [Lebrun B, Temtsin S, Vonasch A, Bartneck C. Detecting the corruption of online questionnaires by artificial intelligence. Front Robot AI. 2023;10:1277635. [CrossRef] [Medline]13]. This has become a corrupting force in web-based survey sampling [Research in the crowdsourcing age, a case study. Pew Research Center. 2016. URL: [Accessed 2025-01-23] 14].

Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk) was considered a representative and convenient source of web-based longitudinal survey data [Buhrmester M, Kwang T, Gosling SD. Amazon’s Mechanical Turk: a new source of inexpensive, yet high-quality, data? Perspect Psychol Sci. Jan 2011;6(1):3-5. [CrossRef] [Medline]15] but has seen its reputation deteriorate within the last decade. For example, a study that used MTurk to build a diabetes panel failed after only 5.8% (13/224) were deemed eligible for future survey research [Lin YK, Newman S, Piette J. Response consistency of crowdsourced web-based surveys on type 1 diabetes. J Med Internet Res. Aug 18, 2023;25:e43593. [CrossRef] [Medline]16]. Researchers noted declines in MTurk data quality starting around summer 2018, as evidenced by degraded psychometric properties of well-understood metrics [Chmielewski M, Kucker SC. An MTurk crisis? Shifts in data quality and the impact on study results. Soc Psychol Personal Sci. May 2020;11(4):464-473. [CrossRef]17]. A warning was issued in the journal Perspectives on Psychological Science after an exercise revealed that only 2.6% (14/529) of MTurk samples were valid [Webb MA, Tangney JP. Too good to be true: bots and bad data from Mechanical Turk. Perspect Psychol Sci. Nov 2022:174569162211200. [CrossRef] [Medline]18].

Alternatives to web-based panels exist in populations of patients using web-connected hardware, also known as “smart” products. One interesting subset is the population of patients using smart medication dispensers, as these products sit in the home amidst a public health need for digital adherence solutions [Hafez G, Aarnio E, Mucherino S, et al. Barriers and unmet educational needs regarding implementation of medication adherence management across Europe: insights from COST Action ENABLE. J Gen Intern Med. Jun 2024;39(15):2917-2926. [CrossRef] [Medline]19]. A 2023 review of smart medication adherence products reviewed the features of 51 products without mention of survey administration capabilities [Faisal S, Samoth D, Aslam Y, et al. Key features of smart medication adherence products: updated scoping review. JMIR Aging. Dec 19, 2023;6:e50990. [CrossRef] [Medline]20]. One of these products, a dispenser named “spencer” [Patel T, Ivo J, Pitre T, Faisal S, Antunes K, Oda K. An in-home medication dispensing system to support medication adherence for patients with chronic conditions in the community setting: prospective observational pilot study. JMIR Form Res. May 19, 2022;6(5):e34906. [CrossRef] [Medline]21,Baby B. User Experience with Medication Adherence Technology: Determining Usability by Capabilities [Graduate thesis]. University of Waterloo; 2024. URL: [Accessed 2025-01-23] 22] (manufactured by Spencer Health Solutions, Inc), has a touch screen display that allows it to administer survey questions following on-time medication dispenses (Figure 1).

At the time of writing, in-home spencer devices have generated more than 3 million longitudinal responses from more than 4000 unique patients to quality of life and PRO measures from a polychronic population residing in the United States and Canada. These are patients of Canadian health care provider Custom Health, Inc, a company offering “a personalized, connected service that goes beyond medication management and ensures medications are working as they should” [Personal solutions. Custom Health. URL: [Accessed 2025-01-23] 23]. Patients or caregivers can express interest directly via a collection of sign-up forms [Sign up. Custom Health. URL: [Accessed 2025-01-23] 24,i’m spencer: the future of connected care! Custom Health. URL: [Accessed 2025-01-23] 25] or they may be directed to spencer via their health plans that have partnered with Custom Health [Professional solutions. Custom Health. URL: [Accessed 2025-01-23] 26]. When a health plan partners with Custom Health, their services are provided to members “who require a high degree of clinical oversight, those managing multiple medications or those experiencing medication adherence challenges” [Custom health to provide services to health plan of San Mateo members. PR Newswire. Nov 29, 2022. URL: https:/​/www.​​news-releases/​custom-health-to-provide-services-to-health-plan-of-san-mateo-members-301689232.​html [Accessed 2025-01-23] 27].

Figure 1. Key components of the spencer smart medication dispenser.


The study’s aim was to evaluate the spencer smart medication dispenser as a longitudinal survey platform for a polychronic patient population. Panel persistency, survey response rates, and measurement reliability and validity were assessed.


Patients of Custom Health were included if they met the criteria enumerated in Textbox 1.

Textbox 1. Inclusion criteria for patients in the study.
  1. The patient entered Custom Health’s intake process either by self-selection or based on the recommendation of a health care provider.
  2. Custom Health professionals decided to pair the patient with a spencer smart medication dispenser.
  3. The patient agreed to the Custom Health consent form.
  4. The patient agreed to the Spencer Health Solutions End User License Agreement, permitting his or her deidentified data to be used for research purposes. This occurred on the spencer unit’s touch screen.
  5. The patient’s first scheduled medication dose was between June 3, 2021, and February 14, 2024.
  6. The patient dispensed a medication dose by March 14, 2024. In this paper, dispensing medication refers to dispensing multidose packs containing oral solids.

After completing Custom Health’s intake process, spencer devices were shipped to patients’ homes. Once set up, the devices displayed both current local time and the scheduled time of the next medication dispense via a touch screen display. Refills containing medication strips (multidose adherence packaging) prepared by a pharmacy were shipped to the patients’ homes and were inserted by the patient or care nurse into the top of the unit via an electronically controlled door. At scheduled dosing times, the unit alerted the patient through sound, light, and a message on the touch screen display. After the patient pressed the dispense button on the touch screen, the unit dispensed 1 or more medication pouches. After an on-time dispense, a question was presented to those patients who had not explicitly opted out of surveys.

Data Generation and Processing

The question and response mechanism is further elaborated here. If a dose was dispensed on time and the patient had not opted out of surveys, 1 question was displayed on-screen. To answer, a single button press was needed to select from a multiple-choice answer set. This was followed by a review step (also serving as the completeness check) where the patient could confirm the selection or go back and change the answer. If a patient did not make the confirmation in the review step, the questionnaire would not be submitted to the database and later analyzed as an instance of nonresponse. If left attended to, a question would remain on the screen until the next scheduled dose.

In collaboration with health care professionals at Custom Health, 35 survey items were designed to measure the spencer experience, quality of life, and PROs. To avoid copyright infringement, these questions were not taken from any existing validated scale. Questions were scheduled one-to-one with doses in a predefined sequence that repeated indefinitely. Response options were consistently listed from most positive sentiment (eg, “Excellent”) toward the top of the screen to least positive sentiment (eg, “Poor”) toward the bottom of the screen. Questions were manually answered on test devices in a quality assurance laboratory before being released to patients, and patients could call into a support line to provide feedback regarding the questions or to request that they be turned off.

As is typical of web-based panels, the panel formed by the selection criteria in Textbox 1 constitutes a convenience sample. The target population best described by the sample is polychronic patients taking multiple medications daily. Since the surveys were administered as part of routine patient monitoring, no institutional review board (IRB) approval was needed.

Survey responses were sent to the application database through either cellular connection (the default) or Wi-Fi. In cases where the spencer lost connectivity, a store and forward mechanism sent data to the cloud database once connectivity was reestablished. The database is managed by Spencer Health Solutions that has received both ISO27001 [ISO/IEC 27001:2022: information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection — information security management systems — requirements. International Organization for Standardization. 2022. URL: [Accessed 2025-01-23] 28] and Data Privacy Framework [Data Privacy Framework Program. URL: [Accessed 2025-01-23] 29] certifications.

Date of birth, biological sex, and residential postal code were entered into a web-based portal by health care providers when patients were recruited. These fields were retrieved from the application database March 4, 2024. Dates of birth that were within 2 years of the database entry date were replaced with missing values, and age was computed as the difference between the first dispense date and date of birth. Within the United States, 5-digit postal codes were converted into US states via the zipcodeR R package. For Canadian postal codes, a function was written that maps the first letter of the postal code to the associated province. Prescription information was created by the pharmacies at the time of refill creation and sent to the database.

Statistical Analysis

Panel Attrition

Patients may leave the spencer dispensing platform for multiple reasons, including life transitions to higher care services or natural death. Leaving the dispensing platform is the primary mechanism of spencer panel attrition. To estimate dispenser persistency, we used the discrete survival analysis framework described by Allison [Allison PD. Discrete-time methods for the analysis of event histories. Sociol Methodol. 1982;13:61. [CrossRef]30], where the periods start on the first day a patient is scheduled, are 30 days in length, and an attrition event occurs when a patient is not scheduled during an entire 30-day period. There is a resurrection mechanism: when a patient is scheduled in a later period after previously meeting the definition for an attrition event, the attrition flag is reset for all previous periods.

For readability, we will refer to a 30-day period as a month, 12 thirty-day periods as a year, and so on. Furthermore, we will refer to the time in years between the first scheduled dose via spencer and the analysis date as tenure. A patient’s tenure represents the amount of experience a patient has had with the spencer platform as of an analysis date.

Beyond dispenser attrition, the second source of panel attrition is when patients request that their questions no longer appear on-screen following a dispensing event. To study this phenomenon, we computed rates of requested question discontinuation for the first 12 months of tenure for patients who remained dispenser persistent for more than a year.

When pursuing the subset of patients who were dispenser persistent for more than a year, the subset taken was patients who remained on the spencer platform through the 14th month. In addition to our operational month being shorter on average than a calendar month (by a fraction of a day), the 2 additional months of persistency provided a buffer against the decreased interaction with the device that often precedes full platform discontinuation.

Survey Response Rates

On the survey platform, nonresponse occurs when patients do not enter a response after a question is displayed and the question is cleared. We computed rates of nonresponse by month and plotted the resulting series. We knew from prior analyses that some patients consistently respond to the questions, and we wanted to observe this phenomenon. For patients who were still receiving surveys in the 12th month, we created 2 groups: those with 12th-month response rates of <90% and those with 12th-month response rates of ≥90%. For both groups, we computed the frequency of patients, plotted response rates by month, and provided a qualitative description of the patterns observed.

Psychometric Analysis


A reliability analysis in the context of a platform requires a narrowing of focus to a specific measure, as both reliable and unreliable measures may be generated from any platform. Inspired by the Falls Efficacy Scale-International, a reliable measure of fear of falling known to be related to both past and future falls [Yardley L, Beyer N, Hauer K, Kempen G, Piot-Ziegler C, Todd C. Development and initial validation of the Falls Efficacy Scale-International (FES-I). Age Ageing. Nov 2005;34(6):614-619. [CrossRef] [Medline]31,Chen Y, Du H, Song M, et al. Relationship between fear of falling and fall risk among older patients with stroke: a structural equation modeling. BMC Geriatr. Oct 11, 2023;23(1):647. [CrossRef] [Medline]32], we chose an existing question from our rotation that asks the patient about recent falls. Hereafter referred to as Q_FALL, the question text read “Have you experienced a fall in the past month?” The response options were “No,” “Not Sure,” and “Yes” (a 1-letter variation in capitalization occurring after September 2022, where “Not sure” was replaced with “Not Sure”), which were value-coded as 1, 0, and −1, respectively.

One conceptualization of reliability is test-retest reliability and can be quantified using Pearson correlation between a measure’s values at 2 time points [Jhangiani RS, Chiang IC, Cuttler C, Leighton DC. Research Methods in Psychology. 4th ed. Kwantlen Polytechnic University; 2019. ISBN: 978199919810733]. For a comparative baseline in the literature, Falls Efficacy Scale-International measurements taken by the same patients at different time intervals had Pearson correlations ranging from 0.66 to 0.83 for measurements taken up to a year apart [Delbaere K, Close JCT, Mikolaizak AS, Sachdev PS, Brodaty H, Lord SR. The Falls Efficacy Scale International (FES-I). A comprehensive longitudinal validation study. Age Ageing. Mar 2010;39(2):210-216. [CrossRef] [Medline]34].

The Pearson correlation coefficient is known to suffer bias when distributional assumptions are violated, a concern because Q_FALL has only 3 response levels and there were different response counts between patients and years. The use of averages and bootstrap resampling were thus employed to address these factors. First, we limited attention to a subset of 234 patients from the persistency analysis who answered Q_FALL at least 5 times in both a full first year and a second year of tenure, hereafter referred to as year 1 and year 2. Second, we used the bootstrap to obtain a bias-corrected estimate of the Pearson correlation along with a nonparametric 95% CI [Bishara AJ, Hittner JB. Reducing bias and error in the correlation coefficient due to nonnormality. Educ Psychol Meas. Oct 2015;75(5):785-804. [CrossRef] [Medline]35]. This allowed us to perform inference on the coefficient of determination (R2) for the equivalent regression of the year 2 means regressed on the year 1 means.

Averaging the ternary scores allowed us to work on a continuum where rare fallers and never fallers appear close together on the resulting scale, a notion supported by similarities between these groups in a 1-year cohort study [Asai T, Oshima K, Fukumoto Y, Yonezawa Y, Matsuo A, Misu S. The association between fear of falling and occurrence of falls: a one-year cohort study. BMC Geriatr. May 5, 2022;22(1):393. [CrossRef] [Medline]36]. To circumvent the limitations of a linear correlation analysis, we performed an additional discrete state transition analysis. We examined the frequency of transitions to and from mean Q_FALL scores of [−1, −0.5), [−0.5, 0.5), and [0.5, 1.0] in year 1 and year 2, expecting self-transitions to be the most frequent.


To assess the convergent validity of the recent falls question administered via spencer, the mean scores for year 1 and year 2 were compared with the following established risk factors of fall risk: increased age, biological sex, previous fall frequency, low quality of life, depressive symptoms, physical impairment, and medication use [Yardley L, Beyer N, Hauer K, Kempen G, Piot-Ziegler C, Todd C. Development and initial validation of the Falls Efficacy Scale-International (FES-I). Age Ageing. Nov 2005;34(6):614-619. [CrossRef] [Medline]31,Delbaere K, Close JCT, Mikolaizak AS, Sachdev PS, Brodaty H, Lord SR. The Falls Efficacy Scale International (FES-I). A comprehensive longitudinal validation study. Age Ageing. Mar 2010;39(2):210-216. [CrossRef] [Medline]34,Dewan N, MacDermid JC. Fall Efficacy Scale-International (FES-I). J Physiother. Mar 2014;60(1):60. [CrossRef] [Medline]37]. Many patients in this population were prescribed selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) or serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), and these are associated with falls in the older adults [Darowski A, Chambers SA, Chambers DJ. Antidepressants and falls in the elderly. Drugs Aging. 2009;26(5):381-394. [CrossRef] [Medline]38,Park H, Satoh H, Miki A, Urushihara H, Sawada Y. Medications associated with falls in older people: systematic review of publications from a recent 5-year period. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. Dec 2015;71(12):1429-1440. [CrossRef] [Medline]39]. A meta-analysis found that 95% (70/74) of studies reported gender or sex differences in fall-related outcomes with females at a higher risk than males [Sebastiani C, Wong JYX, Litt A, et al. Mapping sex and gender differences in falls among older adults: a scoping review. J Am Geriatr Soc. Mar 2024;72(3):903-915. [CrossRef] [Medline]40]. Canonically, increased age is a risk factor for falls [Ambrose AF, Paul G, Hausdorff JM. Risk factors for falls among older adults: a review of the literature. Maturitas. May 2013;75(1):51-61. [CrossRef] [Medline]41]. The validity analysis was split into 2 parts, each based on the 234-patient subset from the reliability analysis.

We first conducted an analysis of the relationship between raw Q_FALL values and covariates age, sex, and SSRI or SNRI usage, as these were known before any responses were received (medication can be discontinued but medication classes tend to be stable within patient). To accommodate the repeated measures received from each patient, we used a generalized estimating equation approach to model the relationship between the coded value of Q_FALL and an exchangeable working correlation structure. This was accomplished with the geepack package in R, which reports SEs that are robust to both the choice of working correlation structure and nonnormality of the response. For age and SSRI or SNRI usage, we expected to see negative relationships. For biological sex, we expected that female patients would be associated with lower mean Q_FALL than male patients.

For evidence of association between Q_FALL and other relevant variables, including quality of life, depressive symptoms, and hospital visits, we selected the questions listed in Table 1 as contemporaneous survey-based measures that had face validity for concepts of interest. Their responses are integer-coded and arranged by sentiment, and thus we expected positive correlations with Q_FALL.

The robust Kendall τ measure was used to test for associations, as the sample sizes of the questions from Table 1 may be arbitrarily small within patient. Kendall τ is more appropriate for ties and has an accompanying 2-sided nonparametric test for testing the null hypothesis of zero association [Bishara AJ, Hittner JB. Reducing bias and error in the correlation coefficient due to nonnormality. Educ Psychol Meas. Oct 2015;75(5):785-804. [CrossRef] [Medline]35]. For a nonparametric 95% CI on τ, we used the function from the R package NSM3 [Schneider G, Chicken E, Becvarik R. NSM3: functions and datasets to accompany Hollander, Wolfe, and Chicken—Nonparametric Statistical Methods, Third Edition. The Comprehensive R Archive Network. 2023. URL: [Accessed 2025-01-23] 42], which provides a bootstrap CI.

Table 1. Standard spencer questions relating to known risk factors of falling.
Question textPossible responsesValues codedConstructa
Rate your recent quality of life.Excellent | Very good | Good | Fair | Poor5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1Quality of life
How is your emotional health today?bExcellent | Very good | Good | Fair | Poor5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1Depression
How would you rate your physical health today?Excellent | Very good | Good | Fair | Poor5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1Physical health
Rate your ability to perform activities today.Excellent | Very good | Good | Fair | Poor5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1Ability or disability
Are you able to accomplish what you have planned today?Completely | Mostly | Moderately | A little | Not at all5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1Ability or disability
Hospital, ERc, or urgent care in the past month?No | Not sure | Yes1 | 0 | −1ER visits from falls

aConstruct is based on face validity of the spencer standard questions.

bThis question has been in rotation for multiple years, but in September 2022, the number of responses changed from 3 (“Poor,” “Good,” and “Excellent”) to 5 (“Poor,” “Fair,” “Good,” “Very good,” and “Excellent”). We coded the 3-response set as 1, 3, and 5, and the 5-response set as 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, respectively.

cER: emergency room.

Ethical Considerations

This study used operational data collected from a commercial medication dispensing system used in routine patient care and was not subject to IRB review requirements, so IRB approval was not pursued. Users of the spencer device provided consent for data collection through the End User License Agreement, which covers the collection of medication adherence data and responses to quality of life and PRO surveys as part of the system’s standard operation. No additional compensation was provided to users beyond the normal terms of their device usage agreement. All data analyzed in this study were deidentified prior to analysis. Spencer Health Solutions has achieved both ISO27001 [ISO/IEC 27001:2022: information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection — information security management systems — requirements. International Organization for Standardization. 2022. URL: [Accessed 2025-01-23] 28] and Data Privacy Framework [Data Privacy Framework Program. URL: [Accessed 2025-01-23] 29] certifications, and the system uses industry-standard encryption and security measures.

This research analyzed data collected during standard clinical care and device usage. All results are presented as anonymous aggregate statistics. The original data collection occurred as part of routine clinical practice, with patients providing consent for research use through the device terms of service and care management agreement. Under Canadian TCPS 2 Article 2.4, research ethics board review is not required for research that relies exclusively on secondary use of anonymous information where the process does not generate identifiable information. Under US regulation 45 CFR 46.104(d)(4)(ii), IRB review is not required when information is recorded by the investigator in such a manner that subjects cannot be identified, directly or through identifiers linked to the subjects, the investigator does not contact the subjects, and the investigator will not reidentify subjects.

Patient Population

The patient population was majority female (2552/4133, 61.7%), with 0.1% (5/4138) of the biological sex fields missing. The mean age was 54.4 years (SD 19.9, range 5-104 years). Most patients (3736/4138, 90.3%) resided in Canada, with 1 address unmapped at the country level. Patients were scheduled to take multiple drugs per day (mean 9.6, SD 5.1). Of the 2805 unique compounds scheduled during the observation window, 70.2% (1970/2805) were mapped to an Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical classification system second-level code, with a modified “Vitamins & Supplements” that included dietary supplements. Table 2 contains the 20 most frequently observed subgroups observed during the observation window.

Table 2. Patient demographics, geographic distribution, and medication usage among the 4138 patients studied.
Section and variablePatients (N=4138)
Patient demographics, n (%)
Female2552 (61.7)
Male1581 (38.2)
Missing5 (0.1)
Age (years)
Valid records, n (%)4123 (99.6)
Invalid records, n (%)15 (0.4)
Mean (SD)54.4 (19.9)
Age range5‐104
Geographic distribution, n (%)
Canada3736 (90.3)
United States401 (9.7)
Missing or other1 (0)
Canadian provinces
Ontario2083 (50.3)
British Columbia1149 (27.8)
Saskatchewan485 (11.7)
Other19 (0.5)
US states
Tennessee221 (5.3)
Missouri117 (2.8)
California32 (0.8)
Ohio24 (0.6)
Other7 (0.2)
Medication usage (Anatomic Therapeutic Chemical codes, second level), n (%)
Psychoanaleptics3040 (73.5)
Vitamins & supplements1917 (46.3)
Lipid-modifying agents1848 (44.7)
Drugs for acid-related disorders1788 (43.2)
Antiepileptics1717 (41.5)
Agents acting on the renin-angiotensin system1664 (40.2)
Psycholeptics1503 (36.3)
Drugs used in diabetes1317 (31.8)
Beta-blocking agents1107 (26.8)
Antithrombotic agents1050 (25.4)
Calcium channel blockers893 (21.6)
Diuretics822 (19.9)
Thyroid therapy741 (17.9)
Urologicals592 (14.3)
Analgesics543 (13.1)
Anti-inflammatory and antirheumatic products378 (9.1)
Antihypertensives345 (8.3)
Anti-Parkinson drugs309 (7.5)
Drugs for constipation295 (7.1)
Antihistamines for systemic use289 (7)

Panel Attrition

From 4138 patients, dispensing persistency was estimated to be 68.3% (95% CI 66.8%‐69.8%) at year 1 and 51% (95% CI 49%‐53%) at year 2. Among the patients who stayed on the dispensing platform past year 1, 82.3% (1508/1832) kept surveys enabled through the 12th month. The rates of question opt-out slowed during the year, as can be seen in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Dispenser persistency and percentage of patients with surveys enabled by month on platform.

Survey Response Rates

Among the 1508 patients who kept their surveys enabled through year 1, the mean response rate was 95.6% (SD 11.9%) in the first month and 84.1% (SD 26.4%) in the 12th month, with the rate of decline slowing in the second half of the year (Figure 3). For patients with surveys enabled in the 12th month, 67.9% (1024/1508) had response rates at or above 90% and 32.1% (484/1508) had response rates below 90%. Figure 4 shows the trajectories of both groups, where the high-response group maintained near perfect response rates while the low-response group experienced a substantial decline by the 12th month.

Figure 3. Mean survey response rate (%) for patients with enabled surveys by month on platform.
Figure 4. Mean survey RR by month on platform, grouped by RR in the 12th month. RR: response rate.


Among 234 patients, the bootstrap estimate of the Pearson correlation between the year 1 and year 2 mean Q_FALL was 0.723 (95% CI 0.630‐0.798), and the estimate of R2 for the equivalent regression on year 2 versus year 1 means was 0.523 (95% CI 0.397‐0.637).

Mean Q_FALL interval transitions from year 1 to year 2 are shown in Table 3. As hypothesized, self-transitions were the most common, with 59.8% (140/234) of patients starting and staying in [0.5, 1]. These rare fallers in the [0.5, 1.0] interval in year 1 remained in this interval during year 2 in 83.8% (140/167) of cases. For the frequent fallers in the [−1.0, −0.5) interval during year 1, 66.7% (12/18) remained during year 2.

Table 3. Mean score range transitions from year 1 to year 2a.
Year 1 and year 2 (n=234)Frequency, n (%)
Frequent fallers [−1.0, −0.5) (n=18)
[−1.0, −0.5)12 (66.7)
[−0.5, 0.5)5 (27.8)
[0.5 to 1.0]1 (5.6)
Occasional fallers [−0.5, 0.5) (n=49)
[−1.0, −0.5)5 (10.2)
[−0.5, 0.5)24 (49)
[0.5 to 1.0]20 (48.8)
Rare fallers [0.5, 1.0] (n=167)
[−1.0, −0.5)1 (0.6)
[−0.5, 0.5)26 (15.6)
[0.5 to 1.0]140 (83.8)

aA mean score of +1.0 would be a “perfect score” of no reported falls, a mean score of −1.0 indicates that all responses indicated that a recent fall had occurred, and scores in between span the interval (−1.0, 1.0). One patient who moved from [−1.0, −0.5) to [0.5, 1.0] had a score of exactly 0.5 (the boundary), with only 6 measurements in year 2.



For 232 patients, the generalized estimating equation model results of Q_FALL on these covariates are shown in Table 4. The coefficients associating biological sex and age to Q_FALL were not significantly different from zero; this was unexpected. However, the coefficient indicating the presence of an SSRI or SNRI medication was negative and highly significant, indicating more falls in the SSRI or SNRI group adjusted for sex and age.

Table 4. Generalized estimating equation linear model summary for sex, age, and whether the patient was prescribed a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor or serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor during the observation window.
CoefficientEstimateSEWaldP value
Sex (male)−0.0300.0690.195.66b
Patient age0.0010.0020.092.76b
SSRIc or SNRId−0.2320.06214.092<.001b

aThe P value corresponding to the hypothesis of the intercept being zero is included by convention but is not a meaningful statistic.

bThese P values correspond to the 2-sided test of the hypothesis of a zero regression coefficient.

cSSRI: selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor.

dSNRI: serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor.

Contemporaneous Outcomes From the Spencer

The analysis of correlations between Q_FALL and other contemporaneous spencer questions, based on Kendall τ, is shown in Table 5. Interpretation of correlation coefficients varies, for example, 0.2 may be characterized as either “weak” or “poor,” and 0.3 as “weak,” “moderate,” or “fair” [Akoglu H. User’s guide to correlation coefficients. Turk J Emerg Med. Sep 2018;18(3):91-93. [CrossRef] [Medline]43], and in the bivariate normal case, a τ value of 0.200 corresponds to a Pearson correlation of 0.309 [Gilpin AR. Table for conversion of Kendall’s tau to Spearman’s rho within the context of measures of magnitude of effect for meta-analysis. Educ Psychol Meas. Mar 1993;53(1):87-92. [CrossRef]44]. While the strength of association between mean Q_FALL and the contemporaneous response outcomes was consistently weak to moderate, P values were uniformly small, indicating positive relationships of these questions with the measure of recent falls.

Table 5. Contemporaneous association between survey questions administered via spencer.
QuestionPatients, naAverage responses per patient, nKendall τ95% bootstrap CI for τP valueb
Rate your recent quality of life.233140.150.058-0.244<.001
How is your emotional health today?233540.210.120-0.293<.001
How would you rate your physical health today?16480.180.071-0.296<.001
Rate your ability to perform activities today.232350.230.140-0.316<.001
Are you able to accomplish what you have planned today?19790.180.083-0.276<.001
Hospital, ERc, or urgent care in the past month?19290.200.096-0.299<.001

aNumber of unique patients who responded to each question at least once and also responded at least 5 times to Q_FALL in year 1 and year 2.

bDerived from Kendall τ test, a nonparametric hypothesis test used to measure the ordinal association between 2 variables.

cER: emergency room.

Principal Findings

Although its primary function is dispensing medication, the spencer platform doubled as a web-based longitudinal panel where polychronic patients answered survey questions at high rates and exhibited low panel attrition over years of platform tenure. Measures generated from the responses where stable through time (ie, evidence of reliability) and were associated with other theoretically related variables (ie, evidence of validity). For polychronic patients residing in the US and Canada, the home medication dispenser is a promising source of reliable and valid measures of important health constructs.

As with all survey panels, there was attrition and nonresponse. Panel attrition could be decomposed into attrition from the dispensing platform and survey opt-outs for patients remaining on the dispensing platform. These losses were cumulative. Based on the estimates presented, starting with 100 patients, 68 would still be dispensing via spencer by the end of the first year, with 56 still receiving questions following their dispenses.

In our literature review, persistency was often a serious issue in the context of longitudinal patient studies. For 8 remote digital studies conducted between 2014 and 2019, researchers found that more than half of all participants discontinued their participation within the first week of the study [Pratap A, Neto EC, Snyder P, et al. Indicators of retention in remote digital health studies: a cross-study evaluation of 100,000 participants. NPJ Digit Med. 2020;3:21. [CrossRef] [Medline]9]. In a web-based study during the COVID-19 pandemic, of 2734 participants who completed wave 1, only 964 participated in wave 3 [Yu T, Chen J, Gu NY, Hay JW, Gong CL. Predicting panel attrition in longitudinal HRQoL surveys during the COVID-19 pandemic in the US. Health Qual Life Outcomes. Jul 6, 2022;20(1):104. [CrossRef] [Medline]10]. In a study of smartphone app usage to improve oral anticoagulation adherence, a retention rate of 27% at 6 months was reported [Senoo K, Miki T, Ohkura T, et al. A smartphone app to improve oral anticoagulation adherence in patients with atrial fibrillation: prospective observational study. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. Jan 7, 2022;10(1):e30807. [CrossRef] [Medline]11]. Considering these results, keeping more than half of the initial patients actively participating in surveys at the end of the first year represents favorable retention. The rate of new survey opt-outs also decreased substantially through the year, setting up milder losses in year 2.

By the end of first year, the average survey response rate for patients taking surveys on spencer was 84%. While 80% has been considered excellent in the context of primary care research studies [Booker QS, Austin JD, Balasubramanian BA. Survey strategies to increase participant response rates in primary care research studies. Fam Pract. Sep 25, 2021;38(5):699-702. [CrossRef] [Medline]45], multi-item surveys administered at a single point in time are an imperfect benchmark. Ecological momentary assessment, a survey methodology that addresses phenomena as they occur, typically sees compliance rates from 50% to 90% [Shiffman S, Stone AA, Hufford MR. Ecological momentary assessment. Annu Rev Clin Psychol. 2008;4:1-32. [CrossRef] [Medline]46]. By either standard, the response rates observed in spencer surveys were good.

We can speculate on why some patients responded to fewer spencer questions over time than others. Survey fatigue is a well-known phenomenon that occurs when respondents become weary of repeated survey tasks [de Koning R, Egiz A, Kotecha J, et al. Survey fatigue during the COVID-19 pandemic: an analysis of neurosurgery survey response rates. Front Surg. Aug 12, 2021;8:690680. [CrossRef] [Medline]47], and although surveys administered via spencer are brief, they are frequent. In addition to fatigue, some patients may not have been aware of how the questions were being used to monitor their well-being. Developing interventions to improve survey response rates is a topic for future research.

Noncoverage in web-based surveys, often defined as lack of access to the web, is thought to be a more serious problem than nonresponse, which is an unwillingness to participate [Couper MP, Kapteyn A, Schonlau M, Winter J. Noncoverage and nonresponse in an internet survey. Soc Sci Res. Mar 2007;36(1):131-148. [CrossRef]48]. Since every participant has a connection to the web through the device itself (the spencer units have both cell and Wi-Fi connections), there is no noncoverage in the sense of lack of web access, although machines do go offline for varying durations.

With sufficiently high panel persistency and response rates, attention focuses on the quality of the data that are generated. We showed that a measure about recent falls generated from a spencer question exhibited temporal stability, a form of reliability. The measure showed expected associations with most theoretically related variables. One exception was the demographic factors of age and biological sex, which failed to achieve significance in a regression where medication use was significant (P<.001). While additional data may reveal the expected relationships, we surmise that in a polychronic population taking many medications, demographic factors may be weaker predictors of falling than in the general population.


First, since the patients studied in this paper were polychronic patients enrolled in a care management program and residing in the United States and Canada, inferences to other populations may not be warranted.

Second, our validity analyses were limited to data collected entirely within the spencer ecosystem. While correlations between spencer survey responses suggest meaningful patterns, these questions, although having face validity, lack validation against established instruments. The observed correlations might partly reflect the consistent presentation format on the device, where responses are always ordered from most to least positive sentiment. Our validity arguments would be substantially stronger with independent measurements, particularly comparisons between spencer responses and validated traditional instruments measuring the same constructs.

Third, this study did not consider sensitivity to change, which is important in the context of RWE because it allows researchers and clinicians to detect change resulting from a minimal intervention [Hays RD, Hadorn D. Responsiveness to change: an aspect of validity, not a separate dimension. Qual Life Res. Feb 1992;1(1):73-75. [CrossRef] [Medline]49]. While we focused on reliability by treating fall risk as a stable construct, and although fall risk is sufficiently stable to support our reliability analysis, treating it as static was a limitation of this research. Future research could explore methods for estimating changing states from longitudinal survey data, building on established approaches in the literature [Le H, Schmidt FL, Putka DJ. The multifaceted nature of measurement artifacts and its implications for estimating construct-level relationships. Organ Res Methods. Jan 2009;12(1):165-200. [CrossRef]50,Ozkok O, Zyphur MJ, Barsky AP, Theilacker M, Donnellan MB, Oswald FL. Modeling measurement as a sequential process: Autoregressive Confirmatory Factor Analysis (AR-CFA). Front Psychol. 2019;10:2108. [CrossRef] [Medline]51].


Administering longitudinal surveys via spencer, a smart medication dispenser, effectively generated high-quality RWD from patients in their homes. Patients persisted on the platform for years and maintained high response rates. A measure derived from longitudinal surveys assessing fall risk demonstrated both reliability and validity. The performance of spencer as a longitudinal survey platform offers a promising alternative at a time when web-based survey data quality is deteriorating.

Because medication dispensing is a fundamental component of the survey-generating mechanism, RWD from the spencer platform offers an ideal opportunity to study medication effectiveness and health outcomes, providing evidence to support new drug indications and demonstrate relationships between health outcomes and economic factors.


This work was funded by Spencer Health Solutions, Inc, a private corporation headquartered in Morrisville, North Carolina. The authors wish to thank University of Maryland professor Greg Hancock for his perspective on presenting this new source of patient-reported outcomes. The authors thank Devi Kodavanti, a member of the data team at Spencer Health Solutions, for computing many reliability coefficients in the past that gave them confidence to do this research. Their resident designer Lew Wilson created the table of contents image. Finally, the authors thank Alan Menius, the scientist behind the evolution of the spencer standard questions.

Data Availability

The dataset analyzed during this study is not publicly available to protect patient privacy and comply with health care privacy regulations, since it contains patient-reported outcomes collected through medication-dispensing devices. While the data are deidentified, they represent longitudinal health-related information of single patients alongside demographic information; it is difficult to guarantee that reidentification, however unlikely, is impossible. However, controlled access to specific portions of the data are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request, which should include (1) a brief research proposal outlining their intended use of the data, and (2) documentation of their institution's data security protocols.

Authors' Contributions

All authors participated in the conceptualization, review, and revision of the final manuscript draft for submission. BO proposed the methodology, performed the formal analysis, and wrote the original draft. TR supervised the research through all stages and performed validation activities.

Conflicts of Interest

Authors BO and TR are current employees of Spencer Health Solutions, Inc, the developer of the spencer platform. Author ES was employed at Spencer Health Solutions during the initial research and manuscript development phase.

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IRB: institutional review board
MTurk: Amazon Mechanical Turk
PRO: patient-reported outcome
Q_FALL: question about recent falls asked on spencer
RWD: real-world data
RWE: real-world evidence
SNRI: serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor
SSRI: selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor

Edited by Karthik Adapa; submitted 10.05.24; peer-reviewed by Jeanie Misko, Laszlo Barna Iantovics; final revised version received 06.11.24; accepted 03.12.24; published 03.02.25.


© Benjamin Ogorek, Thomas Rhoads, Erica Smith. Originally published in JMIR Human Factors (, 3.2.2025.

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